Fore and aft of the @UBC Faculty Association NO CONFIDENCE in the #UBCBoG meeting (1): up to the morning of 2016-03-22

Here is a sequence of Twitter screenshots (all public and still there), some content of which had already appeared on here, some of which would later.

Like all my scholarly activity, my Twitter reading and writing also includes Medievalism and the Humanities in general; I’m also working on two translations and on debate-poetry and satire, and in process of preparing (and therefore thinking about) courses I am teaching next year on the liberal arts (300-level Medieval Studies) and the bande dessinée / graphic novel & other cartoons in French (300-level French literature & culture). As often happens, apparently distinct and distant threads will cross, sometimes interweave, create interference and convergence patterns and rhythms, and may resonate or harmonise. Allusive, analogical, architectural. All part of the creative process.

CAVEAT: some items are out of order; in process of fixing that.














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