Ah, exams…

[Warning: this post contains music.]

From last year:


UBC Coyote, 28 November 2014

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Uncannily, two days later brought this live action (or its opposite) from last year’s final exam for FREN 101:

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The bigger picture and the importance of Point Of View, not seen by the unfortunate unwitting students: alter dicat, quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

 (If you’re still wondering: UBC Kinesiology.)
How I would prefer exams (and life) to be:

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New exam-season additions for this year:

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One to add to exam instructions for students: “you may write in ink of any darker colour, pencil, your own blood, or any other visible non-odorous substance EXCEPT …”

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Commend me on my organisation: I’ve planned my exam-marking and final-grade-calculating soundtrack. It will probably be longer than needed. If it’s not long enough, I’ll just ask the interweb gods for a Divine Revelation Glorious Random Upbeat Disco Mix:


Meanwhile, the official office coffee mug is continuing in its stellar service as a stabilising constant, comfort, and consolation.

the work mug

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